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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Whitehaven, Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand

Wine: Whitehaven
Type: Sauvignon Blanc
Country: New Zealand
Region: Marlborough
Rating: Good
Price: Around US$15 Per bottle
Recommendation: Recommended, good value for the price.

Welcome to my first wine blog, for the first one I am going to start with an example of a Sauvignon Blanc.  This is a crisp, dry white wine, with strong fruit tastes sometimes including tropical fruit such as passion fruit. The wine goes well with seafood, white meat, light cheeses and fruit. It’s a great warm weather wine, although could be enjoyed any time of year with or without food. We enjoyed ours with a Singaporean Laksa and a Beef Rendang (Indonesian). The wine comes from the Marlborough region which is at the tip of the South Island of New Zealand. I can’t describe this area as I've never been there, the closest I've been is the Canterbury plains which are a little further south but are without doubt a beautiful area. The wine has a nice light lemony coloring and overall is a good wine and good value at around US$15 Per bottle.  For those in Houston this wine is available at Specs.
Included now is a link to the winery as well: http://whitehaven.co.nz/

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