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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Serenu Vermentino di Gallura

Wine: Italian White

Country: Italy
Region: Sardinia
Rating: Good
Price: $16.00
Recommendation: Recommended, particularly with seafood, represents reasonable value for the price.

This week we had limited time for preparation and are late in publishing the blog. Luckily for us, there were some end of summer specials at our local supermarket that allowed us to grab some good seafood at very reasonable prices and did not require much preparation on our part. We also paired it with another Italian wine, from the Mediterranean Island of Sardinia.

Sardinia is an autonomously governed region of italy. It is a large island in the Mediterranean that is closer to the French island of Corsica than any other land mass. It appears from the maps to be equidistant to Italy in the west, Africa in the south and the French region of Provence in the north. The island is hot and dry in summer, with the majority of rain falling in the winter. Heavy showers can be encountered in the spring and the mountainous regions even receive snowfall.

The wine came recommended to enjoy with seafood and it is a very good accompaniment. It is a medium golden color, similar in appearance to a light Chardonnay. The bouquet has traces of tropical fruit, berries and a slight hint of oak. The taste is fresh, slightly dry, and follows the bouquet. The first taste appears a little bland but further tasting settles into a slightly fruity light dry wine that is pleasant to drink and goes well with seafood and possibly chicken meals. The wine is well worth trying and represents a pleasant deviation from the more famous regional and varietal wines that we have become more accustomed to.  

The food we had with this wine is listed below and due to the “end of summer” special we were able to obtain the lobster and the crab for around four dollars each.

Snow crab legs
Prosciutto ham
Serrano ham
Artichoke hearts
Feta cheese
Sun dried tomatoes
Freshly baked French bread
Mixed salad

The meal was excellent and a very reasonable price. The wine complimented the food well and is a good warm weather wine with seafood and lighter fare.

Rating: Good, reasonable value for money. Good match with seafood.

Winery\Importer Web Site


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