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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Doña Paula Los Cardoso 2013 Malbec

Wine Name: Los Cardoso
Wine:  Malbec

Country: Argentina
Region:  Mendoza
Rating:  Very Good
Price:  Under $10
Recommendation:  Very good wine representing excellent value for money

For a long time, I have been interested in finding a good Malbec but unfortunately I have not had much luck finding one and therefore had been reluctant to keep trying them without a good recommendation. Recently my friends in the Wine Warehouse in Scottsdale (http://www.winewarehousearizona.com/) recommended a Malbec and I was really pleased with the results. It is with great pleasure that I report on the Doña Paula Los Cardoso 2013 Malbec from Argentina.

The Doña Paula winery heralds from the Mendoza region in Argentina. Mendoza is nestled at the foot of the Andes mountains in North\Central Western Argentina. It is famous for producing strong Rugby teams, olive oil and of course wine. The region is the largest and most famous wine producing region in Argentina.  The winery, located at an elevation over 3,00 feet in the foothills of the Andes,  was acquired in 1997 to produce “high quality Malbec. Since then three additional wineries in the region have also been acquired.

The name of the wine, Los Cardos, is Spanish for “the thistles” after flowers that are “known in Argentina for their intense and surprisingly vivid color as well as their sharp thorns”.  Apparently, where these flowers grow in Mendoza is a sign of a good wine growing location.

This wine was very enjoyable, I am a big fan! It has a dark color with a purple tinge and a very pleasant earthy scent, including cherries, plum, and other dark berries. The flavor is smooth and the dark berries shine through with hints of pepper and cocoa.

When I think of Argentina I also think of beef, which is a perfect accompaniment for this wine. We went for a simple grilled steak and it complemented the wine superbly.

When I was cooking the steaks it was a beautiful evening, so I have included some photo’s.

Recommendation: Strongly recommended, exceptional value for money.

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